Super Nintendo

SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System); 16-bit home console designed by Nintendo, released around 1991, ceased near 1998. Quite possibly the greatest gaming system ever made. Every game released was extremely original and enjoyable. The SNES was home to countless kick-ass games.....from Nintendo there was Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct (I wish it were released on the "Ultra 64" instead, or now to Gamecube, but that wish will never be realized because Microsoft now possesses Rare), Metal Combat (with a Superscope), Super Punch-Out, among many others. Capcom and Konami were probably the only two major third-party powers for what made the SNES great. Capcom had the Mega Man X series, Street Fighter series, Final Fight series, among many others.....and Konami had the Castlevania series, and kick-ass pre-licensed games like Batman and, ESPECIALLY, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Ahh....memories...lately I hear about how people regret having sold their Super Nintendo's. Well, although I disconnected mine from lack of space, I still have it! ^-^ and I have a collection of Nintendo, Capcom, and Konami titles for the SNES! ^.^ Overall I'd say that it was a great time to be an SNES gamer from the end of 1994 to the middle of 1997. The fact that the SNES is home to thee most original, enjoyable videogames, and what the SNES was capable of in its what makes the Super Nintendo the greatest videogame system ever made. The Nintendo Gameboy Advance is the triumphant return of the Super Nintendo at least. Pray that it lasts long.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Super Nintendo. Some of the top words include: The Last Great Console, The Last Great Console, super nintendo, super nintendo, NES, and 25 more.